This tourism object is located is located in the village of Batur Region Batur, Kintamani District Bangli District Level II.To reach this location from the capital city of Bangli distance is 23 km.This attraction can be traversed by vehicles, because this location connects the town of Bangli and Singaraja city.

Kintamani offers a fresh atmosphere of the hills, with temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius, much like air in Bedugul. The main attraction of the region is a view of Mount Kintamani and Lake Batur. Mount Batur is a mountain that is still active status and the second highest after Mount Agung at Besakih. The atmosphere is best when enjoy lunch while enjoying the beauty of the lake and the mountain is belching smoke friendly.

In addition there are also villages Trunyan located near the lake. But you have to cross by boat to get there by traveling approximately 20 minutes. The interesting and unique is the way the funeral of the local population must be different from the norm in Bali. Corpse propped against a tree without buried. But that does not issue a unique body odor because neutralized by the scent of wood called Menyan (incense).

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