Wakatobi is a group of islands located in the region of Southeast Sulawesi province. Currently Wakatobi is a world tourist destination, because it has a paradise under the sea is very beautiful. Coral species found in the Wakatobi is the largest in the world. More than 90% of the world's coral species in the waters of Wakatobi which has 850 species of coral reef, Caribbean Sea compared with only 30 species, 300 species and the Red Sea.

Wakatobi is a dive destination with one of the best coral reefs in the world. Where you can escape the daily routine in the comfort of a whole. As you enjoy the best diving you help ensure that the underwater wonders of the area will be there until the future.
Wakatobi National Park is indeed the second largest marine park marine park Paradise Bay in Papua. In these islands, many people admire the charm of Coral Kaledupa which is the widest and longest reef in Indonesia. Located in the Coral Triangle World. Wakatobi Islands has 25 coral reef. Coral reefs are scattered among the 37 islands that exist. In these islands, only six islands are inhabited. While only 11 islands that has a name. The rest, 31 islands are still unnamed and not yet managed. The tourists who come, generally perform activities diving, snorkeling, swimming, camping and cultural tourism.

Wakatobi not just have a natural attraction. In the islands, there are some Bajo settlements established on the sea. They are known as a tough sailor. Bajo fishermen are also known to catch a fish with a spear. On the island Kaledupa and Binongko, tourists can buy the fabric woven handicrafts locals. Ikat cloth is sold at Rp 100,000 to Rp 200,000.

In Kaledupa, known craft is Wuray sarongs and folding mats. If stopped by the island Binongko, do not hesitate to visit the location of the iron craftsman. From the craftsmen here, Wakatobi known as Tukang Besi archipelago.

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