Tretes and beauty

If In Jakarta there is a "PUNCAK" in Surabaya is "TRETES". Tretes is a favorite tourist attractions for residents at the foot of the mountain surabaya.Berada Arjuno and Welirang create an atmosphere typical of cool temperate regions of the mountains.

Travel to Tretes take approximately one hour with normal road conditions. Understand it, the way there have to pass through the crater of the Lapindo mudflow (if you are from Surabaya). And if it was a rainy, mud that has been dammed in emergency levee that very, very big, spilling into the streets. If it is so, certainly Porong Highway standstill.

Entering Pandaan areas, fresh air began to be felt. one of the relics of the kingdom seemed Singasari, Candi Jawi. Still looming, and looks clean and megah.seperti roads in the mountains, winding paths and uphill Tretes well. But not as sharp bend in the Peak.

Tretes, like the brothels, scattered hotels, motels and villas for rent. Want a four-star to a class of simple houses there. Vendors are very attractive villa offers on nearly all the rider. Usually they will cry out "villa .. vilaa when no vehicles pass sometimes they also do not hesitate to mengerjarnya just to offer lodging.

Some motel or guesthouse that rents at the same time with commercial sex workers also scattered here. It's known there was a cold and a place of brothels, no wonder localization also open a branch here. <hahaha .... should I not tell you>

About food, which are sold there is a rabbit satay, meatballs, and roasted corn. Hmm .. food typical mountainous region right? Very tasty if eaten at night before accompanied by warm drinks while chatting with friends.

Oh yes, there are also waterfalls Grandfather ecotourism in Tretes Bodo. This waterfall is actually the path climbing Mount Arjuno. If the weekend, this place is crowded once visited. If you buff calm, do not come during holidays. Most who come here is a group of young people who seeking prostitution but not all.

Away from the hubbub of the beauty in Tretes for me. Especially if you spend an afternoon looking at the mountains overwhelmed kokohnya fog while enjoying a cup of hot tea. Without the noise, only the freshness of air that can no longer be enjoyed in urban areas.

BEAUTIFUL WORLD ..............

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