Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, altitude 47 meters, was built in the 9th century. To be located 17 km east of Yogyakarta on the road to Solo. The main temple of Shiva Temple (middle), Brahma Temple (south), Vishnu (north). The temple is located in front vehicle (vehicle) as a vehicle Trimurti; Temple Space is the vehicle of Brahma (God of Guardians), Candi Nandi (Ox) is the vehicle of Shiva (Destroyer Gods) and the Temple of Garuda is the vehicle of Vishnu (God the Creator).
On the wall of the balustrade of the temple of Shiva and Brahma temples carved reliefs of the Ramayana story, while at the fence of the temple steps Krisnayana Vishnu carved reliefs. Shiva temple entrance from the east to turn left you will find relief Ramayana story is clockwise, the next story continued relief at the Brahma temple.
Prambanan temple is known back when a Dutchman named C.A.Lons visited Java in 1733 and reported on the ruins of the temple is overgrown shrubs. First try to save the Prambanan temple by IJzerman in 1885 by cleaning chambers of the ruins of stone temples. In 1902 began a brand spanking new coaching job, led by Truck Erp to the Shiva temple, Vishnu temple and Brahma temple. Attention to Prambanan temple continues to grow. In year 1933 successfully arranged experiment Brahma and Vishnu Temple. After experiencing a variety of obstacles, on December 23, 1953 Shiva temple refurbished. Brahma temple began refurbished in 1978 and inaugurated in 1987. Vishnu started refurbished in 1982 and done in 1991. Later restoration activities carried out on three pieces of ancillary temples that are in front of the temple of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma temple with four color and four corner temples.
The edge is limited by the balustrade of the temple, which is decorated with reliefs of Ramayana can be enjoyed when they berperadaksina (walking around the temple with a central cansi always on our right) through the alley. The story continues on the balustrade of Brahma temple located on the left (south) of the main temple. Being on the balustrade of Vishnu temple located on the right (north) of the main temple, carved reliefs depicting the story Kresnadipayana childhood story of King Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu in combating keangkaramurkaan who require to hit the world.
Booth overlooking the main temple to the north contains Parung Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva, but usually people call it a statue of Roro Jonggrang, which according to legend, the stone statue before the living body of a stunning princess, who was condemned by the knights Bondowoso, to complement its ability to generate a thousand statues in night.
Inside the pages are still standing other temples, namely two temples with a height of 16 meters clamp the line of sight, which a stand on the north and the other standing on the south, four color and four temples temples sedut.
On May 27, 2006 an earthquake with a strength of 5.9 on a scale hit Bantul and surrounding areas. The earthquake caused extreme destroy to plenty of buildings and deaths in the population there. of the buildings were badly damaged is the Prambanan complex, the Brahma temple. Until now, the improvement is still continuing and some of them already done.
To accomplish Prambanan, simple, with a variety of flight options you can get to from downtown Yogyakarta and warm, you can rent a automobile or taxi to the Prambanan temple takes about half an hour.
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