Cape Papuma, for among local travelers, not unlike a 'paradise'. In addition to presenting a variety of soothing panorama, a small land jutting into the sea on the north coast of East Java also store a variety of tropical flora and fauna typical. Anyone who had visited the sloping white sand beach is never tired to enjoy it. Geographical conditions are stable, even made the tourist area of ​​beauty can be enjoyed in any weather, both in the dry season and when the rainy season arrives.

Forests and coastal tourist area which has an area of ​​about 50 hectares and is located in District Ambulu Wuluhan, Jember. Papuma own name as an acronym formed from the White Sand Malikan. The word "promontory" is added in front of it, to describe the position of the beach that juts into the sea southwest of the region. Besides beaches, forests terleak on the other side as well so the appeal of these attractions. 

When not being a big wave, Cape Papuma felt quite calm.Sea-green bluish always invites every visitor to swim or just touching the foot of the ripple waves rolling into shore. It was also tempted to melayarinya any traveler. More than all, a very fine white sand and never left the itching in the skin also can suck menjaadi local tourist magnet for the likes of Tanjung Papuma.
Indeed, our hearts will be more satisfied to enjoy the Cape Papuma, when we sail the bay with fishing boats. In particular, when the waves are friendly, we can also approached several atolls (coral island, Red) which is located approximately two miles from the coast to the middle of the bay. From a distance the islands without inhabitants seemed to resemble a giant frog. But when we approached, he is an amazing creation.

Panoramic beauty of the atoll, atolls around Papuma will be more beautiful when viewed from Sitihinggil, a tower on a hill at the western end of Cape Papuma. The tower was deliberately created by Perhutani as a place travelers looked at the entire panorama of the region Papuma, as well as to the security monitoring animals that exist in the region. From there visitors can also enjoy the views of any group of small coral islands. Coral islands that, everything has its own designation. Each title uses the names of the gods in the world of puppet: Guru, Krishna, and Narada.

If our view palingkan westward, then from this Sitihinggil we can enjoy a large island that sits in the middle kejauhann cape. By citizens of Jember, the island is known as Nusa Barong. From Papuma, the island without inhabitants located about 50 nautical miles with a travel time of about four hours by boat.

Travelling in Papuma feel incomplete if we did not received his life of local fishermen at dusk. A few hours before sunset, dozens of fishermen from the village Chedi, Sumberejo Village, District Drupal, always looks pulled the boat and net. Their catch of fish krapu, whitish, snapper, mackerel, and tuna, can be directly purchased and burned on the hearth nature of the brush dry on the beach.

Beaches in Cape Papuma indeed fantastic panoramic. The new beach is encroached upon by Perhutani called by the name Malikan. Malikan face is not black or white sand, but more of a coral-reef flat that resemble giant shells lined up along the stretch of coast facing to the west.

Small corals, colorful easily found here. It is a coral reef fragments carried by the waves. If lucky, we can also find lobster on the sidelines of the flat rocks on the beach Malikan. Moreover, when sea water is receding. The shrimp are by local fishermen called barong urang it has always been stranded as the waves receded.

Among the animals that can be enjoyed is a green lizard bird, which is easy to be heard kicaunya in the morning. When the atmosphere was not rowdy tourist area, we can also see a bunch of monkeys (macaques black) comes out of hiding. They hung on the trees, grab each branch along with dozens of squirrels jumping with lively.

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