Being in the Village Kertayasa, District Cijulang, Ciamis, West Java. From Ciamis own city located about 130 km or if the Pangandaran is about 31 km. Near the attraction there tourist attraction as well as airfield Nusawiru Batukara

This amazing attraction is actually a stream of the river Cijulang passing through the cave filled with beauty and charm stalaktif stalakmitnya. In addition this region is also flanked by two hills, also with many rocks and grove of trees. Overall it was formed as a natural painting is so unique and so challenging to be explored.
To reach this location travelers must depart from the pier Ciseureuh. Then continue the journey by boat outboard or oars are widely available there. The distance between the dock with the Green Canyon site about 3km, which can be reached within 30-45 minutes. Along the way we will pass the river with green colored water Tosca. Perhaps this is where the name originated Green Canyon.

Once seen rapids with a narrow groove is difficult to pass by the boat means you've arrived at the mouth of Green Canyon, where the water was very clear, bluish in color. This is where the beginning of an adventure to explore the beauty of this attraction begins. From here tourists can continue the journey upwards by swimming or crawling on the edge of the stone. Tires and floats are provided for those who choose to swim. Although they had to take this way, the trip is guaranteed completely secure. Even for children 6 years and above is safe enough to flow down the river by using tires and guided by the owner of the rented boat.

The journey will continue to be in the steep basin walls on either side of the river flow. Walls to present its own beauty, the most uniquely shaped like a cave whose roof has collapsed. Also in the top several times visitors will pass through the stalactites that are still flowing ground water droplets. After a few hundred meters of swimming, will be seen several small waterfalls on the left and right are so charming. If you continue to swim then visitors will arrive at the end of the road, where there are lots of caves inhabited by bats.
The flow of the river is quite long, so that visitors can swim your heart's content while following the flow of the waterfall. In addition to beautiful scenery above the water surface, the Green Canyon will be a separate heaven for those who like diving. Staying bring some diving equipment, stunning scenery the notches in the water ready to be explored and enjoyed, complete with a diversity of fish that swim around in the bottom of. For those who like to challenge the adrenaline, it can jump from a large stone with a height of 5m to the bottom of the deep.

At the mouth of the cave there is a waterfall Palatar with sparks that so swift that increasingly makes the atmosphere in this attraction is so cool. A variety of fun activities to do here ranging from rock climbing, swimming and boating while fishing.

Visitors who visited the Green Canyon was not only able to travel, this attraction is also rich in myth. It is said that for those who want to get a mate and young can rub the water dripping from the crevices of cliffs Green Canyon to the face several times. This is believed to some visitors, especially the domestic ones. Even water can be drunk immediately and it tasted like mineral water.

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