Have you ever watched "Beach" movie?
The film was played by famous actors, namely Leonardo Caprio. Beach location that is used is located in the State of Thailand. Maybe we, the people of Indonesia are eager to enjoy the beauty of the beach that same class. It turned out that Indonesia also has the beautiful tourist beaches. This beach is located in the Malang district, eastern Java. This beach has a beauty that is not inferior to the beaches that exist elsewhere.

Away from the noise, the atmosphere is natural, beautiful and not a single building standing on this island as a place of lodging, restaurants and so on. Sempu Island, is a small island which lies south of Java. The island is located in the district of Malang, East Java. Currently Sempu nature reserve is an area protected by the government. On the island there are more than 80 bird species are protected and there are also other animals such as boar, deer, langur and if lucky also can see traces of the leopard.

In addition to swimming the visitors can also relax by playing beach volleyball. For those who love the natural ambience of the original and far from city noise, Sempu Island is the right place to visit.    

The uniqueness of this island is traveling at low tide when we could cross to the island of Java Sempu. Visitors are generally crossed off and go home in the morning and afternoon, because the crossing can only be done at the moment and even no more than 16.00 pm. In this island there is a lake called Segara Anakan. Where is the water contained in the lake water is derived from the waves that hit the reef. Some water was flowing into the Segara Anakan through a big hole in rock in the middle.
If visitors want to spend the night here you can stay at the Inn owned by communities along the road towards the beach Sendangbiru. Or it could also open Sempu tent on the island, but visitors must request permission in advance at the checkpoint in Sendangbiru located directly opposite the Island Sempu. This is done for the sake of preserving the habitat and environment surrounding attractions of this Nature Reserve.

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