A beach is located west of the city of Makassar. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening.

In the afternoon there were quite a lot of visitors who come to enjoy the sunset. Some just sit and feel the blast of "anging Mamiri" and enjoy the warmth of Banana Epe (typical traditional snacks Makassar) to try some water rides are available around Losari. Coz sometimes also served reckless attraction of some children who jump into the ocean beach from the top of the poles Losari writing to get a penny of money from the visitors.
In the past known as the center of this beach seafood and grilled fish at night and is touted as the world's longest stall since the tent stalls that lined the beach length is approximately one kilometer. Currently these stalls have been moved to a spot in front of the home office the Mayor of Makassar, which is also still around Losari.
Well, for who hooked culinary tour, do not miss this opportunity .. must must try a variety of specialties ranging from coto Makassar makasar, pallu soup base, soup konro, brains, until the banana ice pallu butung Epe (raw banana parched and flaked and served with brown sugar water and sprinkled with a wide selection of chocolate, cheese or durian.
Not far from there Losari center souvenirs typical of Makassar who is located at Jl. Somba Opu. Here you can find shops lined along the road provides a wide range of souvenirs and traditional snacks from Makassar typical woven fabric, tshirt, miniature ships' Phinisi ", original or wasp oil, cashew nuts, passion fruit syrup to a key ring can be found here ranging from the price 5000 to hundreds of thousands. Pokoke adjust the existing budget. So Guys, before turning to kampoeng page do not forget to bring a typical souvenir Makassar


