Lovina is located on the north coast of Bali precisely about 10 km west of Singaraja. Lovina Beach in Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng Regency, Bali. Because of that, sometimes people call it a tourist area Kalibukbuk.

 Lovina area famous famous as the place to watch the performances of wild dolphins. You can immediately see the funny behavior and friendly dolphins live in the middle of the sea. Of course this will be an exciting holiday experience for you. In the Lovina area there are hundreds of dolphins tail.

To be able to see the attraction of wild dolphins, you have to leave early when the sun will rise. Why? Since the dolphins in this region appears only between the hours of 6 am to 8 am. At that hour, dozens of dolphins will beratraksi naturally show their activities. There are just swimming in the water surface, there is also the jumping up and down. Of course this will make astonished at the beauty of the black sea animals.

During the trip, you can see the view and the vast sea while the boat away from the mainland, you can see the mainland Lovina from a distance like a silhouette. After arriving in the middle of the sea, the fishermen will be down to where the dolphin will appear. And if there is a group of dolphins who jumped, the fishermen will tell the other boats around it so that the boats will increase the speed to chase a group of dolphins itu.Tentu you can record when the dolphins jumping in the middle of the sea.

In addition you also can dive or snorkel to enjoy the beauty of the sea at the beach. You can find a variety of ornamental fish are friendly enough to approach the divers. Indeed, marine park in Lovina not as nice as any park in Indonesia. However, you'll be quite happy playing with ornamental fish in these waters.

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