For those who have never been to Yogyakarta, this paper will introduce warmth and familiarity with the area which is often abbreviated name of this Alkid. You will know that the nuances of the South Square can be enjoyed by anyone without the familiar social status and become increasingly crowded as the night before.

South Square is an area at the back Kraton building complex that can be reached by walking south from the Center Gudeg Wijilan (tradisional food) special food. Symbolized by an elephant who has a calm temperament, South Square is a counterweight North Square which has a noisy character. Therefore, South Square is considered the place "palereman" (rest) of the Gods. And obviously now become a place "ngleremke ati" (reassuring) for many people.

At five in the afternoon was the beginning of the South Square crowd. Merchant tents have been set up and food or drink that will sold was prepared. When night comes, you can begin enjoying food and beverages. When you walk into one corner, you will find shops round, a drink berkomposisi wedang ginger, peanut, kolang kaling (tradisional food) and sphere of rice flour filled with a warm liquid sugar and the price is cheap enough.

Not far from the ronde (traditional drink) seller, you'll find a seller wedang bajigur (traditional drink). While still presenting ginger flavored drinks, but the composition of the drink was still different. Kuah wedang bajigur made ​​from coconut milk, ginger, powdered coffee and sugar syrup. Usually, it is filled wedang sliced ​​bread, sliced ​​coconut and fro box. Warmth can sweep the chill of the night and enliven the atmosphere of your gathering.

If hungry, you can also eat a variety of dishes. Bebakaran such as roasted corn, grilled banana and toast is the right friends, if you order wedang bajigur. Roasted corn sold here burned with butter and chili sauce until cooked but not burnt, while the baked bananas with chocolate that will melt when baked. Both were really able to indulge tongue. Toast is also available in a variety of taste so as to arouse appetite.

Side dishes if you want to dine with rice are also available. Grilled chicken, assorted grilled fish and fried tempe. Cooking may be normal, but if able to make the feel of the plaza south as a spice in cooking, it will be extraordinary. With the concept of Lesbian, mostly food stalls in the area of ​​the square is hawking food with no expensive price.

You could try an attraction called Masangin, namely through the street between two banyan trees in the middle of the square with his eyes closed black cloth. That said, if people are able to pass through and no oblique or hit then he will get an infinite blessing. But, do not try to peek, because if you do you will go to another world. You will find the square in a state of quiet and difficult to return to the real lagi.To try it, you simply hire a black cloth worth Rp 5.000.

You also can chat with one of the tenants who have made ​​black cloth square-Alun Kidul as a place to earn a living for 30 years. According to him, black cloth rental business is not just businesses but also the form of cultural preservation and public confidence in antiquity. Ritual past two banyan tree called relented Blessing was not superstitious, but a means to deliver the petition to God. Granted will depend on's belief.

At certain times, you can see the puppet show in Sasono Hinggil Dwi Abad. However, to view them you need to prepare because it is generally held all-night wayang. You can also see the preparation of the soldiers palace to celebrate Grebeg (Celebration commemorating the Prophet). In the square is all the warriors gathered to conduct a dress rehearsal the day before the celebration and went to the plaza north on the day of celebration.

In addition to the evening, you can also visit this plaza, sure to watch something different. You can see the elephant palace on Cage the Elephant in the day or see a football match children and adolescents around the square in the afternoon. At the edge of the square is also a time during the many merchants who sell Klithikan. You can hunt for antiques stuff  there.

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